Other Services

Keogh Bay also offers a selection of other services.

Business Development

Strategic planning, organisational review, and Indigenous contractor support

Keogh Bay recognises that nurturing new businesses is critical to generating positive employment outcomes and long-term economic advancement in the local community. With this in mind, Keogh Bay has successfully collaborated with government departments, mining companies, and Indigenous corporations to develop sustainable businesses across Northern Australia in recent years. Our range of Business Development services are as follows:

Business Analysis and Viability Reviews

Undertaking business analysis and viability reviews to establish the financial health of an enterprise, identify key strengths and weaknesses, and working respectfully with management to develop strategies that will deliver long-term success and sustainability.

Administrative and Managerial Capacity Building

Assisting businesses to strengthen their internal administrative and managerial capacity by establishing robust internal processes and providing tailored training packages.

Business and Strategic Planning

Facilitating the development of business and strategic plans that are based on an understanding of the organisation in question, its culture and its operating environment.

Development of Budgets, Tenders, and Business Cases

Assisting clients in developing annual financial budgets, tender submissions, and business cases.

Board Governance

Reviewing existing board governance arrangements to identify any weaknesses, and conducting workshops to implement solutions that will strengthen the business or corporation.

Social License to Operate

The relationship between Aboriginal people, miners, and other project developers has changed significantly in the last 20 years. Keogh Bay can assist your project stakeholders to develop mutually beneficial and respectful long-term relationships with Traditional Owners, founded on well-structured, practical agreements. We aim to avoid adversarial and exploitative engagements by starting from a foundation of principles and respect. We look for mutual benefit and take the concerns of all parties seriously.

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws:

Australia’s Aboriginal Heritage laws oblige project stakeholders to work with Aboriginal people to identify and manage sites or items of cultural significance. Keogh Bay specialises in negotiating and drafting practical cultural heritage management agreements as well as supervising cultural heritage surveys.

Native Title laws:

The Native Title Act of 1994 requires mining and resource project stakeholders to engage in good faith negotiations with native title holders or claimants impacted by exploration and project development. Our advisory services include:

Aboriginal Engagement Strategies:

The need for an agreement is often the first time an enterprise focuses on its relationship with Traditional Owners. Your approach to agreement making should be founded on sound business principles that go beyond the need to tick the appropriate box which is where Keogh Bay’s expert advice can prove invaluable.

Agreement negotiation strategies:

Keogh Bay works with resource businesses to foster positive agreement negotiation strategies including advising on costs and timing, likely content, and position options. Our holistic management approach allows us to better advise you regarding your long-term relationships with Traditional Owners and successfully oversee the various associates – archaeologists, anthropologists, negotiators, lawyers, Aboriginal liaison consultants, and so on – needed to reach an agreement.

Agreement implementation and relationship building:

Forging an agreement with Traditional Owners is just the start of your relationship. The ongoing implementation of an agreement can be as challenging as its negotiation. Keogh Bay can help your organisation streamline its internal systems enabling you to meet your Aboriginal training and employment, land access, cultural awareness, and related agreement obligations and build respectful and durable relationships for the life of your project.
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